Depois de ver as instruções da Holly sobre como fazer carimbos a partir de borrachas, não resisti e comecei logo, apesar de não ter as ferramentas necessárias. As borrachas deviam ser maiores, já que quanto mais pequenas mais difícil se torna esculpir o desenho; e o ideal é usar goivas de ponta fina, provavelmente (?) como as utilizadas para gravar em linóleo. Eu só tinha borrachinhas pequenas, quadradas, e um x-acto, por isso não podia esperar grandes resultados, não é?
O processo é muito simples. Desenha-se o que se pretende na borracha, com todos os detalhes desejados, e esculpe-se à volta do desenho para que todo ele fique em alto-relevo. Não faz mal se resultar um bocado tosco, até é engraçado. Ah: as melhores borrachas são as baratinhas, aquelas muito macias (lembram-me as que usava na escola primária): nada de borrachas de marca para desenho artístico.
Divirtam-se! Podem fazer carimbos para as crianças marcarem o material escolar, para usar na correspondência, para identificar embrulhos de presente, para enfeitar o que quiserem, ou só porque sim.
After seeing Holly's instructions on how to make stamps from erasers, I could not resist trying it immediately, though I didn’t have the necessary tools. The erasers should be large, since the smaller they are the hard it becomes to carve the image. Also, ideally you use fine tip carving tools, probably (?) like the ones used to engrave in linoleum. All I had were small square erasers, and an x-act, so I shouldn’t expect to get great results, right?
The process in itself is very simple. You draw your motif in the eraser, with all desired details, and then sculpt it in high-relief (remove all excess rubber, inclusively from the edges of the eraser). It doesn’t matter if the final result is a bit imperfect, on the contrary – the stamp will result nicely with a handmade look.
Ah, yes: the best erasers are the cheapest ones that are very soft (they remind me the erasers I used in primary school).
Get fun! You can make stamps for children to mark their school material, to use in mail boxes and stationery, to identify gift packages, to decorate items, or just because!
O processo é muito simples. Desenha-se o que se pretende na borracha, com todos os detalhes desejados, e esculpe-se à volta do desenho para que todo ele fique em alto-relevo. Não faz mal se resultar um bocado tosco, até é engraçado. Ah: as melhores borrachas são as baratinhas, aquelas muito macias (lembram-me as que usava na escola primária): nada de borrachas de marca para desenho artístico.
Divirtam-se! Podem fazer carimbos para as crianças marcarem o material escolar, para usar na correspondência, para identificar embrulhos de presente, para enfeitar o que quiserem, ou só porque sim.
After seeing Holly's instructions on how to make stamps from erasers, I could not resist trying it immediately, though I didn’t have the necessary tools. The erasers should be large, since the smaller they are the hard it becomes to carve the image. Also, ideally you use fine tip carving tools, probably (?) like the ones used to engrave in linoleum. All I had were small square erasers, and an x-act, so I shouldn’t expect to get great results, right?
The process in itself is very simple. You draw your motif in the eraser, with all desired details, and then sculpt it in high-relief (remove all excess rubber, inclusively from the edges of the eraser). It doesn’t matter if the final result is a bit imperfect, on the contrary – the stamp will result nicely with a handmade look.
Ah, yes: the best erasers are the cheapest ones that are very soft (they remind me the erasers I used in primary school).
Get fun! You can make stamps for children to mark their school material, to use in mail boxes and stationery, to identify gift packages, to decorate items, or just because!
6 comentários:
Um queque bonito! Isto é fantástico!
( I hope that makes sense! I only know a tiny tiny tiny bit of Portugese! )
I'm so glad you found my tutorial useful and I love your stamp - I think that you will make many more stamps in the future and I can't see what you come up with - you have such a cute style.
Two Cheese Please
Holly, you write in Portuguese! Wow!!
And it makes sense! hehehe
Eu cá adorei o teu carimbo, estou doida para experimentar :D
i've always wanted to try this! thanks for clear directions.
lovely blog with clear instructions to projects! great photography too...
I hope to learn as I enjoy your posts!
legal! Stamps are exspensive!!! CARAMBA what a good way to save money and have fun
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