Esta é a minha primeira boneca em tamanho “de bolso”. Fotografei-a junto dos livros, para se ver como é pequena, mas não reparei no Fausto que ficava mesmo por cima. Parece-me que a devia ter antes feito posar junto de um livro de contos de fadas, talvez a história d’ O Pequeno Polegar, ou, melhor ainda, da Polegarzinha, a menina que nasceu de uma túlipa e dormia numa casca de noz.
This is my first “pocket size” doll. I photographed her near some books, so you could see how small she is, but didn’t notice that Faust would stand just above her head. I think I should have had her posing close to a fairy tales book, maybe Little Thumb, or better still, Thumbelina, the girl that was born from a tulip and slept in a nut shell.
This is my first “pocket size” doll. I photographed her near some books, so you could see how small she is, but didn’t notice that Faust would stand just above her head. I think I should have had her posing close to a fairy tales book, maybe Little Thumb, or better still, Thumbelina, the girl that was born from a tulip and slept in a nut shell.
5 comentários:
She is adorable..What a job you did..
She is TOO cute! You do such nice work :)
She is so beautiful! I hope you don't mind but I featured your work on my blog this morning after seeing it on The Dancing Monkey. Your felted miniatures just took my breath away!
I hope I clicked the right box to comment... I speak a little Spanish but your blog is half in Portugese! Which is close to Spanish but just different enough to confuse my little brain :p
I think your mini doll is so sweet! She looks so happy standing in front of such serious books.
Little Thumbelina says thank you!! You are all very kind.
"Edward and Lilly", Thank you for featuring my cookies in your blog! It is a wonderful blog, by the way.
And Holly, don't worry, Spanish and Portuguese are not that much alike! You clicked the right box, anyway ;)
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