sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2008

Feliz / Happy

Hoje recebi uma prenda de Natal. Era surpresa, e chegou pelo correio, da Holanda, num pacote que o carteiro já tinha assinalado como volumoso. Dentro vinha o presente de uma “amiga secreta”, que era afinal a Claudia. E ela, que não me conhece, fez-me uma mala pela qual eu me teria apaixonado à primeira vista se a tivesse visto na montra de uma loja. Estou encantada com todos os detalhes – o tecido, as cores, o forro verde, os pequenos pormenores bordados, a bolsinha interior, a perfeição dos acabamentos...

Muito obrigada, Claudia. Eu não podia gostar mais!

Today I got a Christmas gift. It was a surprise, and came in the mail, from Holland, in a package that, according to my mailman, was big. Inside the package was the present of a “secret Santa’s” who turned out to be Claudia. And even though we don’t know each other personally, Claudia made me a bag for which I would have fallen in love at first sight if I had seen it in a shop window. I am absolutely delighted with every detail of this bag – the fabric, the colors (OMG, that green lining!), the little pouch, the embroidery, the oh-so-perfect stitches…

Thank you, Claudia, you’ve made my day!

9 comentários:

matchstickgirl disse...

how totally wonderful!!!!!!
well done both of you !!!!

glasfaden disse...

Woww!! Beautiful bag - what a lovely Santa gift!

Mitsy / ArtMind disse...

Wow Silvia! Deepindigo sure made a fantastic present for you! Amazing bag & I can see why you are happy to pieces! Thanks so much Claudia for putting so much effort in this gift and making Silvia so happy with it! :)

Anónimo disse...

* Blush!*

Amanda Yu disse...

Lucky girl :D

what a lovely gift you have gotten! beautiful.

limonada disse...

OOhh, que mala LINDA!!!!

Management Colleges in India disse...

Thanks for sharing

mba college in Pune disse...


mba college in India disse...

Good website